BHCC stopped overseeding 3 years ago to promote year-round, excellent playing conditions and to convert to a turf type that could withstand the summer heat and somewhat salty irrigation water. We've made a lot of progress over the last two seasons and many fairways are just a summer away from full bermuda coverage.
Some locations, like the recently converted 17th fairway, has some bare spots that had little to no bermudagrass. We've used some sod taken from out-of-play areas to repair these locations. We are also bumping up the fertilizer to promote growth and marking ground under repair where necessary.

When you encounter a location that is a little thin, remember what it will look like in a matter of weeks. Once we achieve 100% bermuda coverage, it will be here to stay. Bare areas will be a problem of the past, not a normal part of summer.
Please don't hesitate to send your questions and comments directly to the maintenance department and my email, jalwine@bhcc.net.