The greens healed up nicely from the March 11th aerfication. Speed and firmness are nearly back to normal and ball roll is pretty smooth besides the occasional ball mark. One cosmetic problem you may have noticed is some yellow rings on the green surface. This disease is called brown ring patch or Waitea Patch. As far a diseases go, this one is fairly new to the United States. I believe it was first spotted in Japan, made it's way to Canada, and has since moved south into the United States. So what are we doing about this unsightly world traveler?
Last Monday, we sprayed a fungicide to control this disease. There is little concern about turf loss as this is a weak pathogen and mostly cosmetic. As the fungicide does its job, the rings will turn more green than yellow and then fade away.
Something else that's been fading away is some Poa annua in the greens and fairways. More on that in an upcoming post. Thanks for reading.
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