When members returned to the course, they took notice of all the work that was accomplished in a short period of time. We heard more compliments and appreciation than I'd ever expect. A few members decided to start a collection for the crew and it quickly ballooned to a sizable sum.
Thanks to this member support, we had an excellent and hilarious lunch at a local Korean BBQ restaurant. It was a unique dining experience to say the least and nobody left with any hunger pains, most of us didn't need dinner that evening.
From there, it was on to Boot World where the guys could choose their own boots, get properly fitted, and even picked up some inserts that make quite a difference in comfort. You'll see the guys on course with their fancy new shoes, and they appreciate your kindness so much.
From all of us at in the maintenance department, thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness. Every day is a little more comfortable, and maybe even more productive.
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