This was a very long time coming, but water is finally being drawn from the well and pouring into the new reservoir. Before I left work, the well had pumped 380,000 gallons of water. 310,000 has gone to the reservoir and 70,000 was sent to the lake on #9. OK, so more numbers. The reservoir is at 14% of the projected volume of 2.2 million gallons. The full amount pumped would have cost the club $2052.

Monday, trenching will begin on #11 for the power connection to the pump house. We will bang through this process as quickly as possible so the club can start to realize the savings we've all been waiting for.
A few other notes on the project:
- Landscaping on #11 has been planned and will commence after the trenching for power.
- The water coming from the well is 74 degrees, perfect for an afternoon swim. (please refrain from swimming in the pond)
- We cleaned the waterfall on #9 today, scrubbing down the rocks, it will be back on tomorrow.
- The quality of the well water is very good and we will not be blending with potable water.
- The new sod around the lake is rooted down past 3 inches so feel free to play/walk on it.
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