Last week was very busy for the maintenance department even though the schedule was bit scattered with 4th of July celebrations. The pump house was delivered, the rest of the liner was installed and the concrete rim was finished. That means no more giant equipment coming up #11 and we can begin to renovate the maintenance road along the right rough. The demolished cartpath will also be repaired, but not until we are certain that no more traffic will be passing through.

2000 feet away, at the location of our new well, the staff and the Staley Brothers worked on electrical connections for the pump. We took this opportunity to install a fill line to the lake on #9, since there was a need for a test port. Both the lakes on #9 and #2 are low on water, but we'd prefer to use the well water to save about $3000.
Work on this project continues today in between frequent inspections by the city and SDG&E. Once we get final approval, hopefully by this Friday, a 15 day period needed to inform homeowners of a temporary power outage is the only thing we'll be waiting on.

Finally, in other news, we installed the first of many decomposed granite landscapes near the walk-on area of #3 gold and white tees. This area was very difficult to keep green with sandy subsoil left over from tee construction and daily traffic. This new look will be a little out of place until it spreads to other locations on the course.
Decomposed granite is one of my favorite building materials for it's longevity, ease of maintenance, and attractive color. This area used a little over $100 of DG, our only real cost besides labor. The plants we used, sego palms, fountain grasses, and fire stick were all grown at the shop from seeds and cuttings. The cobblestone was harvested from our slopes between the rough and our neighboring houses. We will finish off this area this week when we find a little extra time. Some more plants and cobblestone will be added to the landscape and then we're off to the next location
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